Thursday, August 22, 2019

The World's "Greatest Goal Achiever"

"To dare is to do ... to fear is to fail."  ~ John Goddard - The man who did it all 
John Goddard is the man who lived a life of no regrets, he is  most known for his amazing “Life List” of accomplishments. At the age of fifteen John Goddard listed 127 goals he wished to experience or achieve in his lifetime. The list is impressive and audacious, but the results have been truly incredible.
One rainy afternoon an inspired 15-year-old boy named John Goddard sat down at his kitchen table in Los Angeles and wrote three words at the top of a yellow pad: “My Life List.” Under that heading he wrote down 127 goals. Since then he has completed most of those goals. Look at the list of Goddard’s goals that appears below. These are not simple or easy goals. They include climbing the world’s major mountains, exploring vast waterways, running a mile in five minutes, reading the complete works of Shakespeare and reading the entire Encyclopedia Britannica. The goals completed are listed here.. ( .
 "There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you do not do them."  ~Charles D. Gill




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